'Tyrannosaurus rex'是拉丁语,意为“君王蜥蜴”,是最著名的恐龙之一,生活在约6800万年前的白垩纪晚期。在英语中,通常简称为T-Rex或Tyrannosaurus,而在中文中,也常被称为暴龙。
以下是9个含有'Tyrannosaurus rex'的例句:
1. Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest predators to ever walk the earth.
2. Scientists believe that Tyrannosaurus rex had a powerful bite force of over 12000 pounds.
3. Tyrannosaurus rex is known for its small, two-fingered arms.
4. The discovery of a well-preserved Tyrannosaurus rex fossil is a rare and exciting event in the scientific community.
5. Some scientists believe that Tyrannosaurus rex may have been covered in feathers rather than scales.
6. Tyrannosaurus rex was an apex predator, meaning it had no natural enemies.
7. The bones of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex were recently discovered in Montana.
8. Because of its large size and fearsome reputation, Tyrannosaurus rex is a popular subject in books, movies, and other media.
9. While Tyrannosaurus rex lived millions of years ago, its fossils continue to provide scientists with valuable information about the prehistoric world.