Cylas formicarius是什么意思 Cylas formicarius的读音、翻译、用法

Cylas formicarius是什么意思 Cylas formicarius的读音、翻译、用法

'Cylas formicarius'是拉丁文词语,它是指一种叫做甘薯蛀心虫的昆虫。在英文中,它通常被称为"Sweet Potato Weevil"。


以下是9个含有‘Cylas formicarius'的例句:

1. Cylas formicarius是甘薯种植者最担心的害虫之一,它会在甘薯中孵化并破坏其内部结构。

(Cylas formicarius is one of the most concerning pests for sweet potato growers, as it hatches in sweet potatoes and destroys their internal structures.)

2. 甘薯蛀心虫主要通过卵和幼虫在地下部分损坏甘薯,并在甘薯中引起感染。

(Sweet potato weevils primarily damage sweet potatoes through their eggs and larvae in the underground portion, which causes infection in sweet potatoes.)

3. 针对Cylas formicarius的生物防治方法包括使用天敌、寄生虫和微生物等。

(Biological control methods against Cylas formicarius include the use of predators, parasites, and microorganisms.)

4. Cylas formicarius具有高度的适应性和繁殖能力,这使得它成为甘薯农业的严重威胁。

(Cylas formicarius has a high degree of adaptability and reproductive capacity, making it a serious threat to sweet potato agriculture.)

5. 为了避免甘薯蛀心虫的危害,应该定期进行甘薯田间监测和防治。

(Regular sweet potato field monitoring and control measures should be taken to prevent damage from sweet potato weevils.)

6. Cylas formicarius在甘薯的各个发育阶段都会对甘薯造成危害。

(Cylas formicarius can damage sweet potatoes at various developmental stages.)

7. 甘薯蛀心虫的危害不仅会影响甘薯的产量和质量,还可能导致生态环境的破坏。

(The damage of sweet potato weevils not only affects the yield and quality of sweet potatoes, but also may lead to ecological destruction.)

8. Cylas formicarius的管理需要采用一系列的综合措施,包括生物、物理和化学方法等。

(The management of Cylas formicarius requires a range of integrated measures, including biological, physical, and chemical methods.)

9. 甘薯蛀心虫的防治需要依据实际情况采用合适的方法,避免对环境和人类健康造成不良影响。

(Preventing and controlling sweet potato weevils requires suitable methods based on actual circumstances, to avoid adverse effects on the environment and human health.)

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