团购 (group purchasing)是指个人或企业联合起来,以实现购买商品和服务时获得折扣的一种购物方式。这种联合采购概念实际上是将多位买家的购买力聚在一处,以整体采购量来说服服务供应商给参与团购的每位买家以优惠的价格,而不计较每个人的实际购买量。小型零售商经常使用这种方法来降低进货成本,以此来与国内和国际上的大型零售商进行竞争。随着中国电子商务的繁荣发展,近几年来,网络团购在中国网民 (netizens)中流行起来。
1. 团购是指……:中文中宾语“一种购物方式”有很长的定语修饰,译成英文时,先说出句子的主干,然后用定语从句进行修饰。
2. 给参与团购的每位买家以优惠的价格:extend sth. to sb.意为“给予某人某物”。extend在此处意为“提供或给予某事物”。
3. 使用这种方法来……以此来……:中文的分词短语作伴随状语,处理中文同一个主语的两个分句时的常用方法。
4. 国内和国际上的:此处实际上是指“在国内和国际范围做生意”,所以译成operate on a national or international basis。
Group Purchasing
Group purchasing is a shopping process that allows several individuals or businesses to buy goods and services together at discounted rates. The idea behind this type of purchasing combination is to combine the purchasing power of many buyers and use the total purchases to convince service providers to extend the same low rates to every buyer of the group regardless of their real purchases. Smaller retailers often use this approach to reduce the cost of purchasing goods, allowing them to successfully compete with larger retailers that operate on a national or international basis. With the prosperity and development of Chinese e-commerce in recent years, group purchasing online has become popular among Chinese netizens.
作为一种新兴的消费方式,网络团购(online group purchasing)还没有相关的规则来约束它,因此,相关诈骗案也屡见不鲜(a matter of common occurrence)。消费者在选择网络团购以博取价格优惠的同时,更应该全面考虑,对于交易要小心谨慎。此外,网络团购还存在售后服务不完善等问题。因此,消费者在参与网络团购,尤其是购买一些大件商品时,一定要咨询(consult)律师或其他相关人士,以避免不必要的麻烦或损失。消费者还要关注商家的专业水平、售后服务等信息。选择专业、信誉高的平台发起或参加团购,既可以提高网购的安全系数,同时团购产品的质量及售后服务也能更有保障。