这个词语来源于英语,是一个人名,指18世纪的美国将军Richard Montgomery。常见翻译包括“理查德·蒙哥马利”、“蒙哥马利将军”等。他在美国独立战争期间曾担任将军,参与了多场战斗,并于xx年xx月xx日在温特斯威克战役中牺牲。
1. Richard Montgomery was a brave and respected leader in the American Revolutionary War.(理查德·蒙哥马利是美国独立战争期间一位勇敢而受人尊敬的领袖。)
2. Montgomery's troops were instrumental in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga.(蒙哥马利的部队对提康德罗加堡的攻占功不可没。)
3. The Richard Montgomery High School in Maryland is named after the general.(马里兰州的理查德·蒙哥马利高中是以这位将军命名的。)
4. The statue of Richard Montgomery stands in front of the New York City Hall.(理查德·蒙哥马利的雕像立在纽约市政厅前面。)
5. Montgomery was born in Ireland but later emigrated to the British colonies in North America.(蒙哥马利出生在爱尔兰,后来移民到了北美的英国殖民地。)
6. Richard Montgomery's bravery and leadership inspired many soldiers during the Revolutionary War.(理查德·蒙哥马利的勇气和领导能力在革命战争期间激励了许多士兵。)
7. Montgomery was fatally wounded while leading an assault on Quebec City.(蒙哥马利在指挥对魁北克市的进攻时受了致命伤。)
8. The Richard Montgomery Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is named after the general.(美国独立战争女儿会的理查德·蒙哥马利分会是以这位将军命名的。)
9. Montgomery's sacrifice for the cause of American independence will always be remembered.(蒙哥马利为美国独立事业所做的牺牲将永远被铭记。)