Catostomus commersoni是什么意思 Catostomus commersoni的读音、翻译、用法

Catostomus commersoni是什么意思 Catostomus commersoni的读音、翻译、用法

'Catostomus commersoni'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“康默氏银鱼”。它是一种北美洲特有的淡水鱼类,体形较长,背部呈现墨绿色,侧面呈现银灰色,头部扁平,口较大,喜栖息于淡水河流中。

以下是9个含有'Catostomus commersoni'的例句:

1. Catostomus commersoni is a common fish species in North American freshwater rivers.(康默氏银鱼是北美淡水河流中常见的鱼类物种。)

2. The endangered status of Catostomus commersoni highlights the importance of conserving freshwater habitats.(康默氏银鱼濒临灭绝的状态凸显了保护淡水栖息地的重要性。)

3. The scientific name of Catostomus commersoni reflects its discoverer, French naturalist Philibert Commerson.(康默氏银鱼的学名反映了它的发现者,法国自然学家菲利伯特·康默森。)

4. The diet of Catostomus commersoni is primarily composed of insects, algae, and other small aquatic organisms.(康默氏银鱼主要以昆虫、藻类和其他小型水生生物为食。)

5. The habitat requirements of Catostomus commersoni make it a valuable bioindicator for the health of freshwater ecosystems.(康默氏银鱼的栖息环境要求使其成为淡水生态系统健康的重要生物指标。)

6. The size and coloration of Catostomus commersoni can vary depending on the specific population and habitat.(康默氏银鱼的大小和颜色可以因具体种群和栖息地而异。)

7. The spawning behavior of Catostomus commersoni involves creating nests in gravel beds and depositing eggs.(康默氏银鱼的产卵行为涉及在卵石床上建造巢穴并沉积卵。)

8. The decline of Catostomus commersoni populations in some areas has been attributed to habitat degradation and pollution.(康默氏银鱼种群在某些地区的下降被归因于栖息地退化和污染。)

9. The ecological role of Catostomus commersoni includes serving as a food source for larger predators and contributing to nutrient cycling in freshwater ecosystems.(康默氏银鱼的生态角色包括作为大型掠食者的食物来源和促进淡水生态系统中的养分循环。)

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