1. 我的guru教我如何找到内心的平静。
My gurutaught me how to find inner peace.
2. 在印度,guru是受人尊敬和崇拜的人物。
In India, guru is a revered and worshipped figure.
3. Ghandi是印度独立运动的精神guru之一。
Ghandi was one of the spiritual gurus of the Indian independence movement.
4. 他的guru是一位出色的音乐家,能够演奏多种乐器。
Hisguru was a talented musician who could play multiple instruments.
5. 在印度,求职者会选择拜访一位guru寻求职业指导。
In India, job seekers will visit a gurufor career guidance.
6. 当我需要决策时,我会寻求我guru的建议。
When I need to make a decision, I seek advice from my guru.
7. 这个学生的guru教他如何研究印度历史和文化。
The student'sguru taught him how to study Indian history and culture.
8. 在锡克教中,每个信徒都有一个guru来指导他们的信仰和生活。
In Sikhism, each believer has a guruto guide their faith and life.
9. 在印度,guru被赋予了超越常人的智慧和灵魂的力量。
In India, guru is endowed with extraordinary wisdom and spiritual power beyond ordinary people.