red light是什么意思 red light的读音、翻译、用法

red light是什么意思 red light的读音、翻译、用法

'red light' 是英语中的词语,翻译成中文即为“红灯”,是指交通信号灯中的红色信号。其主要用途是指示行人或车辆在交通路口等地方停止,等待绿灯亮起后才能通过。在英语中,'red light' 还有其他的引申意义,比如表示被禁止、被警告等含义。

下面是9个含有' red light' 的例句:

1. Don't cross the street when the red light is on.(红灯亮起时不要穿过马路。)

2. The car had to stop because of the red light.(由于红灯,车子必须停下。)

3. The red light means danger.(红灯代表危险。)

4. The police officer signaled the driver to stop at the red light.(警察示意司机在红灯处停车。)

5. The machine stopped when the red light appeared.(当红灯出现时,机器停止了。)

6. You will get a fine if you run a red light.(如果你闯红灯会被罚款。)

7. The company received a red light from the regulatory authority.(公司收到了监管机构的禁令。)

8. The nurse saw the patient's red light and immediately called the doctor.(护士看到病人的危险信号,立即呼叫医生。)

9. The project was given the red light because of a lack of funding.(由于缺乏资金,该项目被否决了。)

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