guttural是什么意思 guttural的读音、翻译、用法

guttural是什么意思 guttural的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'guttural'并非某个国家的语言,它是一个英语词汇,可以翻译为“喉音的、咽喉的”。

2. 'guttural'通常用来形容发出从喉咙或喉喉部分的声音或语音。常见于描述某些语言或方言的发音特点。

3. 常见翻译:喉音的、咽喉的、喉咙的、喉部的。

4. 常见用法:guttural sound(喉音、喉部音)、guttural language(喉音语言、喉部语言)、guttural accent(喉音口音、喉部口音)等。

5. 包含'guttural'的9个例句:

1) The guttural sound of Arabic is difficult to master.(阿拉伯语的喉部音难以掌握。)

2) Yiddish is a guttural language with many Hebrew loanwords.(意第绪语是一种有很多希伯来语借词的喉音语言。)

3) The guttural accent of Scottish Gaelic is hard for non-native speakers to understand.(苏格兰盖尔语的喉音口音对于非母语者来说很难理解。)

4) He spoke with a guttural voice that made him sound angry.(他用喉音的声音说话,让他听起来很生气。)

5) The throat singing in Tuvan music is known for its guttural sound.(图瓦音乐中的喉咙唱法因其喉部音而闻名。)

6) She had a guttural laugh that was loud and contagious.(她有一个大声而有感染力的喉音笑声。)

7) The guttural consonants in German can be challenging for English speakers.(德语中的喉音辅音对英语学习者来说可能具有挑战性。)

8) The Haida language of British Columbia has some guttural sounds that are unique to the dialect.(不列颠哥伦比亚省的海达语具有一些喉音音节,在该方言中非常独特。)

9) The guttural nature of the Inuit language is part of its charm and beauty.(因纽特语的喉音特点是其魅力和美丽的一部分。)

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