ViSAR是什么意思 ViSAR的读音、翻译、用法

ViSAR是什么意思 ViSAR的读音、翻译、用法

ViSAR是英语单词"Video Synthetic Aperture Radar"的缩写,直译为"视频合成孔径雷达"。它是一种通过合成Aperture的技术从高空拍摄图像,然后通过雷达技术重建三维图像的无人机监控系统。ViSAR主要被用于军事侦察、地质勘探等领域。


1. The military uses ViSAR to detect enemy movements in real time. (军方使用ViSAR实时侦测敌军动向。)

2. ViSAR technology allows for precise mapping of the earth's surface. (ViSAR技术可以精确制图地球表面。)

3. The ViSAR system is a valuable tool for search and rescue missions. (ViSAR系统是搜救任务中的宝贵工具。)

4. The ViSAR images showed clear evidence of oil deposits in the area. (ViSAR图像显示该地区存在明确的油藏证据。)

5. ViSAR can detect changes in terrain and vegetation cover over time. (ViSAR可通过时间来侦测地形和植被覆盖变化。)

6. The ViSAR technology was developed in response to the need for better remote sensing capabilities. (ViSAR技术是为了满足更好的远程传感需求而开发的。)

7. ViSAR is a promising tool for disaster response and recovery efforts. (ViSAR是灾难响应和恢复努力的有希望的工具。)

8. ViSAR can penetrate through clouds and weather conditions to gather accurate data. (ViSAR可以穿透云层和恶劣天气,收集精确数据。)

9. The ViSAR system has the potential to revolutionize the field of remote sensing. (ViSAR系统具有革命性的远程传感潜力。)

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