Sappho是什么意思 Sappho的读音、翻译、用法

Sappho是什么意思 Sappho的读音、翻译、用法



1. Sappho的诗歌反映了古希腊时代女性的生活和情感。

The poems of Sappho reflect the life and emotions of women in ancient Greece.

2. Sappho的诗歌对后世的爱情诗产生了深远的影响。

The poems of Sappho have had a profound impact on love poetry in later generations.

3. 许多人认为,Sappho的诗歌对同性恋文化的发展起到了重要的作用。

Many people believe that Sappho's poems played an important role in the development of homosexual culture.

4. Sappho的诗歌往往流露出对美丽女性的崇拜之情。

Sappho's poems often reveal a love for beautiful women.

5. 虽然许多Sappho的作品已经失传,但一些残篇仍在今天被人们欣赏。

Although many of Sappho's works have been lost, some fragments are still appreciated today.

6. Sappho的作品在古希腊时期就已经广为流传,被追随者视为经典之作。

Sappho's works were widely circulated in ancient Greece and were regarded as classics by her followers.

7. 一些学者认为,Sappho的诗歌中的女性形象不仅表现了爱情和性,还反映了女性在古希腊社会中的地位和权利。

Some scholars believe that the female images in Sappho's poems not only express love and sexuality, but also reflect the status and rights of women in ancient Greek society.

8. Sappho的作品被翻译成多种语言,成为了世界文化遗产的一部分。

Sappho's works have been translated into many languages and have become part of the world's cultural heritage.

9. 许多人仍然欣赏Sappho的诗歌,认为它们表现出了人类复杂的情感世界。

Many people still appreciate Sappho's poems, believing that they express the complex emotional world of humanity.

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