danaus plexippus是什么意思 danaus plexippus的读音、翻译、用法

danaus plexippus是什么意思 danaus plexippus的读音、翻译、用法

'danaus plexippus' 是拉丁语,通常被翻译为“大蝴蝶”或“斑蝶”。它是蝴蝶中非常著名的一种,也被称为“迁徙蝶”,因为它们每年都会从北美洲迁徙到南美洲。

以下是含有 'danaus plexippus' 的9个例句:

1. Danaus plexippus is a migratory butterfly species that travels great distances each year.('danaus plexippus'是一种迁徙蝶,每年可以飞行很远的距离。)

2. The wings of Danaus plexippus are bright orange with black and white markings.('danaus plexippus'的翅膀呈鲜艳的橙色,并有黑白花纹。)

3. Danaus plexippus is the state butterfly of Minnesota.('danaus plexippus'是明尼苏达州的州蝴蝶。)

4. The monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, is known for its incredible migratory journey.(单翅目蝶类'danaus plexippus'以其惊人的迁徙之旅而闻名。)

5. The life cycle of Danaus plexippus includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.('danaus plexippus'的生命周期包括四个阶段:卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫。)

6. Many people are concerned about the declining population of Danaus plexippus due to habitat loss and other factors.(由于栖息地的损失和其他因素,许多人担心'danaus plexippus'的数量正在下降。)

7. The bright colors of Danaus plexippus serve as a warning to predators that they are poisonous.('danaus plexippus'的鲜艳颜色对捕食者起到警示作用,表明它们有毒。)

8. Danaus plexippus is one of the most recognizable butterfly species in North America.('danaus plexippus'是北美洲最易认出的蝴蝶物种之一。)

9. Scientists have been studying the migratory patterns of Danaus plexippus for decades to better understand this amazing phenomenon.(科学家们已经研究'danaus plexippus'的迁徙模式几xx年,以更好地理解这一令人惊叹的现象。)

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