1. Animalia包括了来自世界各地的各种动物种类。(Animalia includes various animal species from all over the world.)
2. 动物界中的哺乳动物被称为哺乳动物纲。(Mammals in Animalia are classified as the class Mammalia.)
3. 动物界中的无脊椎动物包括了昆虫、蜗牛和蚯蚓等。(In Animalia, invertebrates such as insects, snails and earthworms are included.)
4. 动物界中的鱼类有数百种不同种类。(There are hundreds of different species of fish in Animalia.)
5. 动物界中的爬行动物包括了蜥蜴、蛇和鳄鱼等。(Reptiles such as lizards, snakes and crocodiles are included in Animalia.)
6. 动物界中的鸟类被分类为鸟纲。(Birds in Animalia are classified as class Aves.)
7. 动物界中的两栖动物指的是青蛙、蝾螈和蟾蜍等。(Amphibians in Animalia refer to frogs, salamanders and toads etc.)
8. 动物界中的无脊椎动物包括了浮游生物、水母和海星等。(Invertebrates in Animalia include plankton, jellyfish and starfish.)
9. 动物界中的昆虫包括了黄蜂、蝴蝶和蚂蚁等。(Insects in Animalia include wasps, butterflies and ants etc.)