,'Apanteles rubecula'不是任何一个国家的语言。它实际上是一种昆虫,属于植物寄生性膜翅目昆虫科Apanteles的一种。它的常见翻译为:红肚胡蜂。
以下是9个包含“Apanteles rubecula”的例句:
1. Apanteles rubecula is a parasitoid wasp that targets caterpillar larvae.(红肚胡蜂是一种寄生蜂,主要攻击毛毛虫幼虫。)
2. The larvae of Apanteles rubecula feed on the tissues of their hosts before pupating.(红肚胡蜂的幼虫在成虫化前以其宿主的组织为食。)
3. The use of Apanteles rubecula as a biological control agent has been successful in reducing pest populations.(以红肚胡蜂作为生物防治剂已经成功地减少了害虫的数量。)
4. Apanteles rubecula is particularly effective at controlling the cabbage white butterfly.(红肚胡蜂对控制白菜蝴蝶特别有效。)
5. The activity of Apanteles rubecula is highest during the warmer months of the year.(红肚胡蜂的活动在xx年中温暖的月份最活跃。)
6. The reproductive success of Apanteles rubecula is influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.(红肚胡蜂的生殖成功受到环境因素,如温度和湿度的影响。)
7. The introduction of Apanteles rubecula as a biocontrol agent has helped to reduce the use of chemical pesticides.(红肚胡蜂作为生物防治剂的引入有助于减少对化学杀虫剂的使用。)
8. Farmers have begun to rely more on Apanteles rubecula as a natural method of pest control.(农民已经开始更多地依赖红肚胡蜂作为一种自然的害虫控制方法。)
9. The use of Apanteles rubecula in crop protection has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of farming practices.(在农业保护方面使用红肚胡蜂有可能减少农业实践对环境的影响。)