这个词语是英语,又称为“live oak”(常绿橡树),是北美洲东南部地区常见的树种之一。它是一种常绿乔木,高可达20-30米,是美国南方地区的象征之一,经常出现在电影和小说中。
常见翻译:live oak(常绿橡树)
用法:Quercus virginiana是学名,常用live oak这个名称来称呼它。
1. The Spanish moss covered the branches of the large Quercus virginiana trees.(西班牙苔藓覆盖着大型常绿橡树的枝干。)
2. The Quercus virginiana is a symbol of the southern United States.(常绿橡树是美国南方的象征。)
3. The Quercus virginiana can live for hundreds of years.(常绿橡树可以活几百年。)
4. The live oaks in the park are over 200 years old.(公园里的常绿橡树已经有200多年的历史了。)
5. The Quercus virginiana is resistant to hurricanes and storms.(常绿橡树对飓风和暴风雨有抵抗力。)
6. The live oak is a popular landscaping tree in the southern United States.(常绿橡树是美国南部常见的园林树种。)
7. The Quercus virginiana provides habitat and food for many animals.(常绿橡树为许多动物提供栖息地和食物。)
8. The live oak tree has a wide spreading crown and can provide shade for large areas.(常绿橡树树冠广阔,可以为大面积提供遮荫。)
9. The Quercus virginiana is an important part of the coastal ecosystem.(常绿橡树是沿海生态系统的重要组成部分。)