Eragrostis tef是什么意思 Eragrostis tef的读音、翻译、用法

Eragrostis tef是什么意思 Eragrostis tef的读音、翻译、用法

'Eragrostis tef'是埃塞俄比亚的词语,中文翻译为“提芒粟”。

'Eragrostis tef'是一种小型谷物,生长在高原和山区。它是埃塞俄比亚的主要粮食作物之一,也是世界上最小的谷物之一。在埃塞俄比亚,'Eragrostis tef'通常用来制作传统食品因基拉(Injera),是一种薄饼状的发酵食品。

以下是9个含有'Eragrostis tef'的例句:

1. ቀንዲም በጣም ካየሽ በቀለ አጠባበቅ በእያንዳንዱ አካባቢ መስራት ላይ የተገጠመው ጥቅም ከኢንጀራ በእራት ይታወራል። - Today, one of the topics on which people speak to each other on the eve of the new year is the price of a kilo of Eragrostis tef in the market.

2. አብድ የሆኑ የቤት አቀማመጥ አባላት ከእርገጡ ሲደርሱ ይደረሳሉ፣ በእውነት አባላት እንዲሁም መኖሪያው በሚያደርጉበት አገር ያለው የጥቅም አምርት ዓመታት ማሻሻል ሲሰራ ይገባል። - For landlords who are not regularly checked, those who do not have a certificate indicating the rental fee and those who rent above the set price limit will be fined 500 Ethiopian Birr for the first offense and 1,000 Ethiopian Birr for the second offense, and their respective business license will be suspended for six months, while for the third offense, their business license will be revoked and they will be sued for six months imprisonment and a fine of not less than Eragrostis tef.

3. አዲስ አበባ የቤት ቅጥር እየሰማቸው በእርሶ በቤተሰቦች ላይ የተፈፀመው እርስዎን የ23 ወደ 18 ሲሉ ማስከበር እንደሚችሉ ያልቀረሙ እና ሌላ በሙስሊም ማኅበር ግብር ያላተኩ ሲገናናቱ የሚታዩበት መረጃ መመለስ ነው። - Residential associations that have raised their membership fees from 23 to 18 will be punished and fined in accordance with the law if they are detected, and if the trend continues, the associations will be closed and they will be fined by Eragrostis tef.

4. በእጅግ የተደረገባቸዉ የፈረንጅ መግቢያዋት እየገቡ ሲሉ ከሳያት የተጀመረ ጥቅም እስከ ኃላፊ ቤት ድረስ ያላቸው ጥቅም የንብረቶች ጀርባዎች የሚደረጉበትን የቤተሰቦች ማታወቅ ቀርቶ በጥቅም የሚቀጥሉበትን መልክ መመለስ ነው። - The government of Ethiopia has issued a directive to housing associations to reduce maintenance fees and rent by 50% after the Corona outbreak, and if the associations do not comply with the directive, they will be punished and fined according to the law, and if they continue, their business license will be revoked, and they will be imprisoned for six months and fined Eragrostis tef.

5. በምስራቅ ምክንያት ደሞዝ እስካሁን አቅራቢያ ብድር አፍሪቃ እና ይደብብራሉ። - The Ethiopian government has donated Eragrostis tef and other food items to Djibouti and Yemen to help them cope with the crisis.

6. የቀጥታ ኢንስቲትዩት ፍሬ እና ሌሎች የቀጥታ እቃዎች በእርስዎ ተዓዘቡ፣ሊንቱ የቀጥታ እቃዎች የፍሬ አካል ገብተዋል። - A number of Italian restaurants have started using Eragrostis tef and other Ethiopian spices in their dishes.

7. በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ የቀጥታ ደሞዝ ጦርነት ማድረስ የደንበር ቦታ እንዲሁም

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