manufacture是什么意思 manufacture的读音、翻译、用法

manufacture是什么意思 manufacture的读音、翻译、用法

'manufacture'这个词语来源于拉丁语的“manu factus”,意为“手工制作”。它的常见翻译为“制造、生产、制作”等,用法包括动词和名词。


1. Toyota is a well-known automobile manufacturer in Japan.(丰田汽车是日本知名的汽车制造商。)

2. The company decided to manufacture its products overseas in order to reduce costs.(公司决定在海外生产其产品以减少成本。)

3. The manufacture of the new smartphone model will begin next month.(新智能手机的生产将于下个月开始。)

4. The pollution caused by manufacturing has become a serious issue.(制造业导致的污染已成为严重问题。)

5. We need to increase the efficiency of our manufacturing process.(我们需要提高生产流程的效率。)

6. The company has a strict code of conduct for its manufacturing operations.(公司对其制造业务有严格的行为准则。)

7. This factory specializes in the manufacture of industrial machinery.(这家工厂专门生产工业机械。)

8. The manufacture of clothing has been outsourced to a factory in China.(服装制造已被外包到中国一家工厂。)

9. The government has imposed strict regulations on the manufacture and sale of cigarettes.(政府已对香烟的生产和销售实行了严格的法规。)

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