1. The smolt migration begins in the spring.(亚成鱼在春天开始迁徙。)
2. Smolts are vulnerable to predators during their migration.(亚成鱼在迁徙过程中很容易被捕食者攻击。)
3. The smolt run attracts many anglers.(亚成鱼迁徙时吸引了许多垂钓者。)
4. Smolts need to adapt to saltwater before they can survive in the sea.(亚成鱼需要适应咸水环境才能在海洋中生存。)
5. The mortality rate of smolts is high due to various factors.(亚成鱼的死亡率很高,原因有很多。)
6. Smoltification is a complex physiological process.(亚成鱼成熟化是一个复杂的生理过程。)
7. The smolt stage is a crucial period for the salmon life cycle.(亚成鱼阶段对于三文鱼的生命周期来说非常关键。)
8. The survival rate of smolts can be improved by enhancing the river habitat.(通过加强河流栖息地,可以提高亚成鱼的生存率。)
9. Smolt migration is affected by environmental factors such as water temperature and flow.(亚成鱼迁徙受到水温和水流等环境因素的影响。)