1. Trichogrammatoidea的母蜂沿着蚕茧的棉纱缝隙寻找寄主的卵。
Translation: The mother of Trichogrammatoidea seeks the host's eggs along the cotton yarn gaps of the silkworm cocoon.
2. Trichogrammatoidea是植物穴居蛾科的寄生虫。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea is a parasite of the plant burrowing moth family.
3. Trichogrammatoidea的卵会在寄主卵旁边产生,孵化后寄生寄主卵。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea's eggs will be produced next to the host's eggs, and after hatching, they will parasitize the host's eggs.
4. Trichogrammatoidea可以用作农业昆虫防治。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea can be used for agricultural insect control.
5. Trichogrammatoidea可以寄生多种昆虫,如蚕、番茄黄龙病螟等。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea can parasitize a variety of insects, such as silkworms, tomato yellow leafminer, etc.
6. Trichogrammatoidea的生命周期短,但繁殖力强。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea has a short life cycle but strong reproductive ability.
7. Trichogrammatoidea可以通过在温室中放置捕食器来控制害虫。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea can control pests by placing predators in the greenhouse.
8. Trichogrammatoidea在某些国家已经被广泛应用于农业生产。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea has been widely used in agricultural production in some countries.
9. Trichogrammatoidea是一种对环境和人类健康无害的天然防治措施。
Translation: Trichogrammatoidea is a natural control measure that is harmless to the environment and human health.