'Anton Ferdinand'这个词语来源于英语,是指英格兰足球运动员安东·费迪南德(Anton Ferdinand)的名字。
以下是9个含有'Anton Ferdinand'的例句:
1. Anton Ferdinand受到了种族歧视的指责。
Anton Ferdinand has been accused of racism.
2. 安东·费迪南德是一名出色的中后卫。
Anton Ferdinand is an excellent center-back.
3. 安东·费迪南德的球技备受赞赏。
Anton Ferdinand's football skills are highly praised.
4. 有关安东·费迪南德被指控种族歧视的事件引起了公众的广泛关注。
The incident involving accusations of racism against Anton Ferdinand has garnered widespread public attention.
5. 安东·费迪南德在那场比赛中的表现十分出色。
Anton Ferdinand's performance in that match was outstanding.
6. 安东·费迪南德对于球队非常重要。
Anton Ferdinand is a crucial player for the team.
7. 安东·费迪南德在比赛中表现得很聪明。
Anton Ferdinand played very cleverly in the match.
8. 安东·费迪南德的攻防转换非常流畅。
Anton Ferdinand's transition from offense to defense is very smooth.
9. 安东·费迪南德的出色表现使得他成为了球队的傲慢。
Anton Ferdinand's impressive performance has made him a source of pride for the team.