crotales是什么意思 crotales的读音、翻译、用法

crotales是什么意思 crotales的读音、翻译、用法



1. The percussionist played the crotales to add a shimmering sound to the orchestra. (打击乐手使用颤音器为管弦乐队增添了闪亮的声音。)

2. The composer included crotales in the score to create a mystical atmosphere. (作曲家在乐谱中加入了颤音器,以营造神秘的氛围。)

3. The conductor asked the percussionist to play the crotales softly for a delicate effect. (指挥要求打击乐手轻敲颤音器,以产生细腻的效果。)

4. The crotales were placed on a separate stand to make it easier for the percussionist to access them. (颤音器被放在单独的架子上,以便打击乐手更容易地使用。)

5. The crotales added a haunting quality to the music, enhancing the emotional impact of the piece. (颤音器为音乐增添了令人心醉的质感,增强了作品的情感冲击力。)

6. The percussion section featured crotales prominently in the performance to highlight their unique sound. (打击乐组在演奏中大量使用颤音器,以突显它们独特的声音。)

7. The crotales were a vital part of the percussionist's setup, along with other instruments like the marimba and timpani. (颤音器是打击乐手设备中至关重要的组成部分,与马林巴琴和定音鼓等其他乐器一起使用。)

8. The composer instructed the players to use the crotales sparingly, only in certain sections of the piece. (作曲家指示演奏者谨慎使用颤音器,只在作品的某些部分中使用。)

9. The crotales were a challenging instrument to play, requiring precision and finesse to achieve the desired sound. (颤音器是一种很有挑战性的乐器,需要精准和灵活的演奏才能达到所需的声音效果。)

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