'Fungi inferior'是拉丁语,意思是“下等真菌”。该词语指的是形态较简单、生命周期较短、营养方式较简单的真菌,包括酵母菌、霉菌等。
1. Fungi inferior能够在不良条件下生存。
Fungi inferior can survive in unfavorable conditions.
2. 泌氨酵母是一种常见的Fungi inferior。
Urea-producing yeast is a common Fungi inferior.
3. 有些Fungi inferior能够引起人类疾病。
Some Fungi inferior can cause human diseases.
4. 饲养Fungi inferior有利于生物防治。
Breeding Fungi inferior is beneficial to biological control.
5. Fungi inferior在食品工业中具有广泛应用。
Fungi inferior has a wide range of applications in the food industry.
6. 工厂中喜欢使用Fungi inferior进行发酵。
Factories like to use Fungi inferior for fermentation.
7. Fungi inferior在土壤中的分解作用有益于植物生长。
The decomposition of Fungi inferior in soil is beneficial to plant growth.
8. 为研究Fungi inferior的分布规律,科学家们进行了多次实验。
To study the distribution pattern of Fungi inferior, scientists have conducted many experiments.
9. 一些Fungi inferior能够分解有机废弃物,对环境有益。
Some Fungi inferior can decompose organic waste, which is beneficial to the environment.