1. 京瓷的智能手机在市场上备受欢迎。(Kyocera's smartphones are popular on the market.)
2. 我的打印机是京瓷的。(My printer is a Kyocera.)
3. 京瓷在半导体领域的发展日趋成熟。(Kyocera's development in the semiconductor field is becoming more mature.)
4. 京瓷生产的电子元器件领先于同行业。(Kyocera's electronic components are ahead of their peers.)
5. 京瓷的通讯设备可靠性很高。(Kyocera's communication equipment is very reliable.)
6. 京瓷的太阳能电池在环保领域有着广泛的应用。(Kyocera's solar cells have a wide range of applications in the field of environmental protection.)
7. 京瓷在液晶显示器领域有着重要的地位。(Kyocera has an important position in the field of LCD displays.)
8. 京瓷的研发团队致力于推动科技进步。(Kyocera's R&D team is committed to promoting technological progress.)
9. 京瓷在全球范围内拥有庞大的销售网络。(Kyocera has a huge sales network worldwide.)