1. He is a former president of the company. (他是这家公司的前任总裁。)
2. The former owner of this house left behind some furniture. (这所房子的前任主人留下了一些家具。)
3. She used to be a former tennis champion. (她曾经是一位前网球冠军。)
4. The former prime minister passed away last night. (这位前首相昨晚去世了。)
5. The former queen abdicated the throne in 1936. (这位前女王在xx年退位了。)
6. The former employees of the company gathered for a reunion. (这家公司的前员工聚集在一起进行团聚。)
7. The former USSR was dissolved in 1991. (前苏联在xx年解体了。)
8. The former director of the museum donated a valuable painting. (这家博物馆的前馆长捐赠了一幅有价值的画作。)
9. The former students of the school organized a charity event. (这所学校的前学生们组织了一个慈善活动。)