flufenoxuron是什么意思 flufenoxuron的读音、翻译、用法

flufenoxuron是什么意思 flufenoxuron的读音、翻译、用法



1. Flufenoxuron is an effective insecticide for controlling whiteflies on tomato plants.(氟虫腈是控制番茄白粉虱的有效杀虫剂。)

2. The use of flufenoxuron has significantly reduced the damage caused by thrips on ornamental plants.(使用氟虫腈显著减少了虎斑蝽对观赏植物的破坏。)

3. Flufenoxuron is a popular insecticide in the citrus industry for controlling scale insects.(氟虫腈在柑橘业中广受欢迎,可用于控制介壳虫。)

4. The recommended dose of flufenoxuron for controlling spider mites on cotton plants is 50-100g/ha.(控制棉花蜘蛛螨的氟虫腈建议用量为50-100克/公顷。)

5. Flufenoxuron can effectively control the larvae of the diamondback moth on cabbage crops.(氟虫腈可有效控制卷叶蛾对甘蓝作物的卵和幼虫。)

6. The residues of flufenoxuron in fruits and vegetables are generally below the maximum residue limit.(水果和蔬菜中的氟虫腈残留量通常低于最大残留限量。)

7. Some insects have developed resistance to flufenoxuron, so it is important to rotate insecticides.(一些昆虫已经对氟虫腈产生了抗性,因此轮换杀虫剂非常重要。)

8. Flufenoxuron has a long residual effect and can provide protection for up to two weeks.(氟虫腈具有长效残留作用,可提供长达两周的保护。)

9. The use of flufenoxuron has been shown to improve the yield and quality of rice crops by reducing insect damage.(使用氟虫腈已被证明可以通过减少虫害来提高稻作物的产量和品质。)

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