Goldman Sachs是一个美国的金融投资银行。这个词语通常被翻译为高盛集团。
1. Goldman Sachs is one of the largest investment banks in the world. (Goldman Sachs是世界上最大的投资银行之一。)
2. Many young professionals dream of working for Goldman Sachs. (许多年轻专业人士梦想在高盛工作。)
3. The news about Goldman Sachs' involvement in the subprime mortgage crisis was shocking. (高盛参与次贷危机的消息令人震惊。)
4. Goldman Sachs has been accused of unethical behavior by some critics. (一些批评家指责高盛行为不道德。)
5. The Goldman Sachs CEO spoke at a conference on the future of finance. (高盛首席执行官在一次关于金融未来的会议上发表了讲话。)
6. Many wealthy investors trust Goldman Sachs to manage their portfolios. (许多富裕投资者信任高盛来管理他们的投资组合。)
7. Goldman Sachs' profits have been consistently high in recent years. (近年来,高盛的利润一直非常高。)
8. Some people believe that Goldman Sachs has too much influence over the US government. (一些人认为高盛对美国政府的影响力过大。)
9. The culture at Goldman Sachs is known for being intense and competitive. (高盛的文化以紧张和竞争激烈著称。)