'iDM'是美国的词语,全称为“Intellectual Disability Medicine”,中文翻译为“智力障碍医学”,是一种医学领域的术语,主要用于描述智力障碍患者的医学研究和诊疗。
1. iDM领域的专家们正在努力开发新的治疗方法。Experts in the field of intellectual disability medicine are working hard to develop new treatment methods.
2. 这篇论文研究了iDM领域的一些新进展。This paper examines some of the new developments in the field of intellectual disability medicine.
3. 常见的智力障碍类型包括轻度、中度和重度iDM。Common types of intellectual disabilities include mild, moderate, and severe iDM.
4. iDM医生需要在治疗时充分考虑患者的特殊需求。iDM doctors need to take into account their patients' special needs when treating them.
5. 他的研究成果对iDM领域产生了深远的影响。His research has had a profound impact on the field of intellectual disability medicine.
6. 该研究强调了iDM医生在定制治疗计划时的重要性。The study emphasizes the importance of iDM doctors in designing treatment plans.
7. iDM患者通常需要一位从事特殊教育的教师来协助他们学习。iDM patients often need a special education teacher to assist them in learning.
8. 我们的团队正在开发一种新的iDM诊断方法。Our team is developing a new method for diagnosing intellectual disabilities in iDM patients.
9. 这家医院提供了一系列的iDM治疗服务,以满足患者不同的需求。This hospital offers a range of iDM treatment services to meet patients' varying needs.