Ascochyta rabiei是什么意思 Ascochyta rabiei的读音、翻译、用法

Ascochyta rabiei是什么意思 Ascochyta rabiei的读音、翻译、用法

'Ascochyta rabiei'是英语,中文翻译为“豌豆黑斑病”。

豌豆黑斑病是由Ascochyta rabiei真菌引起的一种病害,会在豌豆的叶片、茎和豆荚上形成黑色斑点,严重影响豌豆的生长和产量。

以下是9个含有'Ascochyta rabiei'的例句:

1. Ascochyta rabiei is a fungal disease that can severely affect chickpea yields.(豌豆黑斑病是一种真菌病,会严重影响鹰嘴豆的产量。)

2. Farmers often use fungicides to control Ascochyta rabiei outbreaks.(农民们经常使用杀菌剂来控制豌豆黑斑病的爆发。)

3. Ascochyta rabiei can be difficult to diagnose in the early stages of infection.(豌豆黑斑病在感染的早期阶段很难诊断。)

4. Researchers are studying the genetics of Ascochyta rabiei to develop more resistant crop varieties.(研究人员正在研究豌豆黑斑病的遗传学,以开发更耐病的作物品种。)

5. Ascochyta rabiei can survive in soil for several years, making crop rotation important for control.(豌豆黑斑病可以在土壤中存活几年,因此轮作对于控制病害很重要。)

6. The primary symptoms of Ascochyta rabiei include leaf spots and necrotic lesions.(豌豆黑斑病的主要症状包括叶斑和坏死病斑。)

7. Ascochyta rabiei is most common in regions with cool, wet weather during the growing season.(豌豆黑斑病最常见于生长季节气候凉爽、潮湿的地区。)

8. Farmers are encouraged to plant resistant chickpea varieties to reduce the impact of Ascochyta rabiei.(鼓励农民种植抗豌豆黑斑病的鹰嘴豆品种,以减少病害的影响。)

9. The spread of Ascochyta rabiei can be minimized through good sanitation practices and removing infected plant debris.(通过良好的卫生措施和清除感染的植物残渣,可以最小限度地减少豌豆黑斑病的传播。)

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