tremor是什么意思 tremor的读音、翻译、用法

tremor是什么意思 tremor的读音、翻译、用法



用法:可以用作名词或动词,例如,“His hand is trembling.”(他的手在颤抖。)


1. The earth tremor was felt across the entire city.(整个城市都能感受到地震。)

2. The tremor in his voice revealed his nervousness.(他声音的颤抖表明了他的紧张。)

3. The patient was experiencing tremors in his hands.(病人手中发生震颤。)

4. She couldn't stop the tremors in her legs after the accident.(事故后她无法控制腿部的震颤。)

5. The tremors in the building caused everyone to evacuate.(建筑物的震颤使得所有人撤离了。)

6. The tremor caused the glass to fall off the table.(震颤导致玻璃杯从桌子上掉落。)

7. He tried to hide the tremor in his hand during the interview.(他试图在面试中掩盖手的颤抖。)

8. The dog's tremors were a result of his old age.(狗的颤抖是由于他的老年。)

9. She was diagnosed with essential tremor in her early twenties.(她二十出头就被诊断出患有本质性震颤。)

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