1. 兼六园是日本著名的庭园之一。
Kenrokuen is one of the famous gardens in Japan.
2. 兼六园的美景吸引了很多游客。
The beauty of Kenrokuen attracts many tourists.
3. 我们正在去兼六园的路上。
We are on our way to Kenrokuen.
4. 兼六园的鲤鱼很有名。
The carp in Kenrokuen are famous.
5. 兼六园在春天有很多美丽的花卉。
There are many beautiful flowers in Kenrokuen in spring.
6. 兼六园的秋景非常壮观。
The autumn scenery in Kenrokuen is very spectacular.
7. 我们在兼六园待了一个下午。
We spent an afternoon in Kenrokuen.
8. 我已经去过兼六园两次了。
I have been to Kenrokuen twice.
9. 兼六园是金泽市最著名的景点之一。
Kenrokuen is one of the most famous attractions in Kanazawa.