New Jersey是什么意思 New Jersey的读音、翻译、用法

New Jersey是什么意思 New Jersey的读音、翻译、用法

New Jersey是美国的一个州的名称,中文翻译为“新泽西州”。它位于美国东海岸,与纽约市隔海相望,在美国国内和全球范围内都有着重要的经济和文化地位。


以下是9个含有New Jersey的例句:

1. I grew up in New Jersey, so I'm very familiar with the Jersey Shore. (我在新泽西长大,所以对新泽西海岸非常熟悉。)

2. The New Jersey Turnpike is one of the busiest highways in the United States. (新泽西州高速公路是美国最繁忙的公路之一。)

3. The New Jersey Devils won the Stanley Cup in 1995. (新泽西魔鬼队在xx年赢得了斯坦利杯。)

4. My friend is from New Jersey and she speaks with a distinct accent. (我的朋友来自新泽西,她讲话有着独特的口音。)

5. Have you ever been to Atlantic City, New Jersey? (你去过新泽西州的大西洋城吗?)

6. Newark is the largest city in New Jersey. (纽瓦克是新泽西州最大的城市。)

7. I took a ferry from New Jersey to Manhattan. (我乘坐轮渡从新泽西到曼哈顿。)

8. The New Jersey state bird is the American goldfinch. (新泽西州的州鸟是美国金翅雀。)

9. Princeton University is located in New Jersey. (普林斯顿大学位于新泽西州。)

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