bonnet是什么意思 bonnet的读音、翻译、用法

bonnet是什么意思 bonnet的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'bonnet'是英语词语,中文翻译为帽子、发动机罩等。

2. 帽子的例句:

- She wore a pretty bonnet to the wedding.(她戴着漂亮的帽子去参加婚礼。)

- The baby looked cute in her pink bonnet.(婴儿戴上粉色帽子非常可爱。)

- The lady tied her bonnet under her chin.(女士将帽子系在了下巴下。)

3. 发动机罩的例句:

- The mechanic lifted the bonnet to check the engine.(机修工打开了发动机罩检查引擎。)

- The car's bonnet was dented in the accident.(汽车的发动机罩在事故中被凹了进去。)

- He propped up the bonnet so he could work on the engine.(他撑起发动机罩以便于修理引擎。)

4. 其他例句:

- She tied a bonnet around her neck to protect herself from the sun.(她在脖子上系了一块带子作为防晒。)

- The baby bird hatched from its egg with a little bonnet of feathers on its head.(小鸟孵化出来时头上长了一些羽毛做成的小帽子。)

- The soldier wore a green bonnet with his uniform.(士兵佩戴绿色帽子与制服搭配。)

- They used to make bonnets out of straw for the summer.(他们过去会用稻草做出夏天戴的帽子。)

- The Victorian ladies often wore bonnets with elaborate designs.(维多利亚时期的女士经常戴着花式设计的帽子。)

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