'Bernard Haitink'是荷兰语,中文翻译为贝尔纳德·海廷克。他是一位荷兰指挥家,曾经担任阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅首席指挥和伦敦交响乐团首席指挥等职务,被誉为20世纪最杰出的指挥家之一。
含有'Bernard Haitink'的例句:
1. Bernard Haitink是一位备受推崇的指挥家,他的音乐风格深受欧洲乐迷的喜爱。
(Bernard Haitink is a highly respected conductor, and his musical style is popular among European fans.)
2. Bernard Haitink曾经在多个知名乐团担任指挥,包括皇家音乐厅交响乐团和伦敦爱乐乐团。
(Bernard Haitink has conducted for several renowned orchestras, including the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the London Philharmonic Orchestra.)
3. Bernard Haitink在音乐界的贡献不可估量,他为传统音乐的保护和发展做出了巨大努力。
(Bernard Haitink's contribution to the music industry is immeasurable, and he has made great efforts to protect and promote traditional music.)
4. Bernard Haitink的音乐指挥技巧娴熟,他的指挥风格严谨而富有激情。
(Bernard Haitink has excellent conducting skills, and his style is precise yet passionate.)
5. Bernard Haitink对音乐的热爱源于他自幼就接受的音乐教育。
(Bernard Haitink's love for music stemmed from his musical education from a young age.)
6. 作为一位资深的音乐家,Bernard Haitink经常会向年轻的音乐人传授指挥技巧和经验。
(As a senior musician, Bernard Haitink often shares his conducting skills and experiences with young musicians.)
7. Bernard Haitink对音乐的敏锐感知和细致的表达能力令人钦佩。
(Bernard Haitink's acute musical perception and meticulous expression ability are admirable.)
8. Bernard Haitink在指挥时的充沛精力和专注力令人叹为观止。
(Bernard Haitink's abundant energy and concentration while conducting are awe-inspiring.)
9. Bernard Haitink的指挥作品广泛受到各国音乐爱好者的追捧和赞誉。
(Bernard Haitink's conducting works are widely praised and sought after by music lovers from different countries.)