1. Harappa文化是印度次大陆石器时代晚期的一个重要文明。
The Harappa culture was an important civilization in the late Stone Age of the Indian subcontinent.
2. Harappa城市在古印度文明中发挥了重要作用。
The city of Harappa played an important role in the ancient Indian civilization.
3. Harappa文明的遗址被认为是世界上最重要的考古遗址之一。
The ruins of the Harappa civilization are considered to be one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.
4. Harappa文明的居民生活在大约xx年前。
The inhabitants of the Harappa civilization lived about 4500 years ago.
5. Harappa文明留下了许多艺术和建筑遗产。
The Harappa civilization left behind many artistic and architectural legacies.
6. Harappa文明在手工艺、商业和宗教方面都很发达。
The Harappa civilization was advanced in handicrafts, commerce, and religion.
7. 考古学家发现Harappa文明在农业方面取得了显著的进展。
Archaeologists have found that the Harappa civilization made significant advances in agriculture.
8. Harappa文明的语言已经灭绝,但人们通过考古遗物来了解其生活和文化。
The language of the Harappa civilization has become extinct, but people can learn about its life and culture through archaeological artifacts.
9. Harappa文明的遗址和文物被列入了联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产名录。
The ruins and artifacts of the Harappa civilization have been listed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.