'iFF'是英语中的缩写,全称是'if and only if',中文翻译为'当且仅当'。它用于表达两个条件之间的等价性,即只有在两个条件同时满足或者同时不满足时,它们之间才成立。
1. An equation is true if and only if both sides are equal. (一个方程式是真的,当且仅当两边相等)
2. You can take this course if and only if you have completed the prerequisite. (你只有在先修课程完成的情况下,才可以选修这个课程)
3. She is eligible for the scholarship if and only if she maintains a certain GPA. (只有当她保持一定的成绩,她才有资格获得奖学金)
4. The contract will be valid if and only if both parties sign it. (只有当双方都签署合同,合同才有效)
5. The medication is effective if and only if it is taken as directed. (药物只有按照指示使用才有效)
6. The password will be accepted if and only if it satisfies the security requirements. (只有当密码满足安全要求时,才会被接受)
7. A number is prime if and only if it has no factors other than 1 and itself. (一个数是素数,当且仅当它没有除1和它自己以外的因数)
8. The system will work correctly if and only if all the components are correctly installed. (只有当所有组件都正确安装时,系统才能正常工作)
9. The game is won if and only if the player completes all the levels. (玩家只有完成所有关卡,才能赢得游戏)