trivalent是什么意思 trivalent的读音、翻译、用法

trivalent是什么意思 trivalent的读音、翻译、用法



1. The trivalent chromium ions have a green color and are used in the production of high-quality stainless steel. (三价铬离子呈现绿色,被用于高品质不锈钢的生产。)

2. Aluminum is a trivalent metal that is widely used in the construction industry. (铝是一种三价金属,在建筑行业广泛使用。)

3. The trivalent vaccine protects against three different strains of the flu virus. (三价疫苗可以预防三种不同的流感病毒株。)

4. The trivalent mercury compound was found to be highly toxic to aquatic life. (三价汞化合物被发现对水生生物具有高度毒性。)

5. Iron is a trivalent element that is essential for the function of hemoglobin in the blood. (铁是一种三价元素,对于血红蛋白的功能至关重要。)

6. The trivalent arsenic compound is commonly used in the production of insecticides. (三价砷化合物常被用于杀虫剂的生产。)

7. The trivalent cationic form of cerium is used as a catalyst in the automobile industry. (三价阳离子形式的铈被用作汽车工业的催化剂。)

8. The trivalent rare-earth metals are used in the production of magnets for electronic devices. (三价稀土金属被用于电子设备磁体的生产。)

9. The trivalent ions of lanthanum and yttrium are used in the production of solid oxide fuel cells. (镧和钇的三价离子被用于固体氧化物燃料电池的生产。)

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