'George Mallory'是英语,可译为乔治·马洛里。他是一位英国登山家,在xx年首次尝试攀登珠穆朗玛峰时失踪,直到xx年才被发现遗骸。
1. George Mallory was an accomplished mountaineer who made several groundbreaking expeditions in the early 1900s.(乔治·马洛里是一位有成就的登山家,在20世纪初进行了几次开创性的探险。)
2. The story of Mallory's disappearance on Everest continues to capture the public imagination.(马洛里在珠峰上失踪的故事依然吸引着公众的想象力。)
3. Mallory famously replied when asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest: "Because it's there."(当被问及为什么要攀登珠穆朗玛峰时,马洛里著名地答道:“因为它在那里。”)
4. Mallory's body was discovered on Everest in 1999, but whether or not he reached the summit remains a mystery.(马洛里的遗体于xx年在珠峰上被发现,但他是否成功登顶仍是个谜。)
5. Mallory and his climbing partner, Andrew Irvine, disappeared while making their final push for the summit of Everest.(马洛里和他的攀登搭档安德鲁·欧文在攀登珠峰最后的冲刺中失踪了。)
6. The search for Mallory's body was a major undertaking that involved multiple expeditions over the course of several years.(搜寻马洛里遗体是一项重大的任务,耗时数年,进行了多次探险。)
7. Mallory's legacy looms large in the world of mountaineering, and his daring spirit continues to inspire climbers today.(马洛里在登山领域的遗产非常重要,他的大胆精神仍在今天激励着攀登者。)
8. Mallory was a member of the British expedition to Everest in 1924, which was the third attempt to summit the mountain.(马洛里是xx年参加珠峰登山的英国探险队的成员,这是第三次尝试登顶。)
9. Mallory's fascination with mountaineering began at an early age, and he went on to become one of the most accomplished climbers of his time.(马洛里对登山的热爱始于年幼,并成为他那个时代最有成就的登山家之一。)