1. Onagraceae科植物的花朵形态各异,非常漂亮。(中文翻译:The flowers of Onagraceae plants have various shapes and are very beautiful.)
2. 长在溪边的月见草属于Onagraceae科。(中文翻译:The evening primrose growing by the stream belongs to the Onagraceae family.)
3. 紫罗兰是Onagraceae科下的一种花卉。(中文翻译:The violet is a type of flower in the Onagraceae family.)
4. Onagraceae科植物对土壤并无过分要求,能在各种环境下生存。(中文翻译:Onagraceae plants do not have excessive requirements for soil and can survive in various environments.)
5. 月见草是Onagraceae科下的一种常见植物,被广泛用于医药领域。(中文翻译:Evening primrose is a common plant in the Onagraceae family and is widely used in the field of medicine.)
6. 某些Onagraceae科植物的种子富含油脂,可以用来制作食用油。(中文翻译:Some Onagraceae plants have oil-rich seeds that can be used to make edible oil.)
7. 紫罗兰和月见草都属于Onagraceae科,它们的花朵颜色非常美丽。(中文翻译:Violets and evening primroses belong to the Onagraceae family, and their flower colors are very beautiful.)
8. Onagraceae科下的一些植物可以用来治疗妇女疾病。(中文翻译:Some plants in the Onagraceae family can be used to treat women's diseases.)
9. 具有美丽花卉的Onagraceae科植物在园艺领域中备受欢迎。(中文翻译:Onagraceae plants with beautiful flowers are highly popular in the field of gardening.)