1. Holcus lanatus 是一种常见的草本植物,可以作为牲畜的饲料。(Holcus lanatus is a common herbaceous plant that can be used as livestock feed.)
2. Holcus mollis 是一种受欢迎的庭院植物,常常用于园艺装饰。(Holcus mollis is a popular garden plant commonly used for landscaping.)
3. 用Holcus做成的稀饭是一种美味的食品。(Porridge made from holcus is a delicious food.)
4. Holcus特有的草香味是它的显著特点之一。(The distinctive grassy aroma of Holcus is one of its notable features.)
5. Holcus属于稷属,是一种草本作物。(Holcus belongs to the millet family and is a herbaceous crop.)
6. Holcus在医药方面也有应用,可以治疗一些疾病。(Holcus also has medicinal applications and can be used to treat certain illnesses.)
7. 今天我要在花园里种Holcus,以增加绿色植被的面积。(Today, I'll be planting Holcus in my garden to increase the greenery area.)
8. 研究证明,Holcus的营养价值很高,对人体有非常重要的作用。(Research has shown that Holcus is highly nutritious and has important health benefits.)
9. Holcus是一种易于种植和收割的农作物,受到许多农民的青睐。(Holcus is an easy-to-grow and harvest crop and is favored by many farmers.)