1. 传统的佛教中,有两种主要的教派,即上座部佛教和大乘佛教(mahayana)。
Traditional Buddhism has two main schools, Theravada and Mahayana.
2. 佛教中的菩萨就是追求成为一位觉悟者,以利益众生为己任的人,这也是mahayana的核心理念。
Bodhisattva in Buddhism is a person who pursues enlightenment and takes the responsibility of benefiting sentient beings, which is also the core concept of Mahayana.
3. 在mahayana佛教中,可以追求成为一个普贤菩萨或者文殊菩萨。
In Mahayana Buddhism, one may aspire to become either Samantabhadra or Manjushri.
4. mahayana佛教强调的是菩萨道,而非阿罗汉道。
Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes the path of the bodhisattva rather than that of the arhat.
5. 为了实践mahayana佛教,我们应该发心愿成为一位菩萨。
To practice Mahayana Buddhism, we should make a vow to become a bodhisattva.
6. 比较有代表性的mahayana佛教经典有《法华经》、《心经》等。
Representative Mahayana Buddhist scriptures include the Lotus Sutra and the Heart Sutra.
7. mahayana佛教强调菩提心,即利益众生的愿望。
Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes bodhicitta, the aspiration to benefit sentient beings.
8. 在mahayana佛教中,五蕴皆空,因果无我是重要的概念。
In Mahayana Buddhism, the concepts of emptiness of the five aggregates and the non-self nature of causality are important.
9. mahayana佛教认为,上帝、神等的存在是纯粹的幻觉。
Mahayana Buddhism regards the existence of God or gods as pure illusion.