1. Amphineura is a class of marine animals that includes many species of mollusks with flattened bodies and two shells.(Amphineura是一类水生动物,包括许多扁平身体和两个壳的软体动物)
2. Some species of Amphineura are capable of regenerating their shells if they are damaged or removed.(一些双壳纲动物的壳被破坏或移除后,它们可以自愈并再生新的壳)
3. The majority of Amphineura are found in shallow coastal waters, although some species are found in deeper waters.(大多数双壳纲动物分布在浅海海岸水域,但也有一些物种分布在更深的水域)
4. Amphineura are important food sources for many marine animals, including sea stars and crabs.(双壳纲动物是许多海洋动物的重要食物来源,包括海星和螃蟹)
5. The taxonomy of Amphineura is complex and has been the subject of much debate among biologists. (双壳纲的分类学比较复杂,一直是生物学家们争议的焦点)
6. Some species of Amphineura are able to secrete a sticky substance that helps them attach to rocks or other surfaces.(一些双壳纲动物可以分泌一种黏性物质,帮助它们附着在岩石或其他表面)
7. The fossil record of Amphineura dates back to the Cambrian period, over 500 million years ago. (双壳纲动物的化石记录可以追溯到5亿多年前的寒武纪时期)
8. Amphineura have a unique feeding mechanism, using a specialized radula to scrape bits of food off of rocks or other surfaces.(双壳纲动物具有独特的进食机制,使用专门的舌齿从岩石或其他表面上刮下食物碎片)
9. Although Amphineura are not typically considered to be a major threat to human health, some species can harbor harmful bacteria or toxins.(尽管双壳纲动物通常不被认为对人类健康构成重大威胁,但一些物种可能会携带有害的细菌或毒素)