'LTA'这个词语来源于英语,是Land Transport Authority的缩写,意为“陆路交通管理局”。该局主管新加坡的陆路交通和道路发展,负责规划、建设、维护和管理新加坡的道路、隧道、桥梁、地铁和轻轨系统等交通设施。
1. The LTA is responsible for maintaining Singapore's road network. (LTA负责维护新加坡的道路网络。)
2. The LTA is currently carrying out road improvement works in the city. (LTA目前正在城市进行道路改进工程。)
3. The LTA has introduced new measures to reduce traffic congestion. (LTA引入了新措施以减少交通拥堵。)
4. The LTA is working to improve the efficiency of the public transport system. (LTA正在努力提高公共交通系统的效率。)
5. The LTA has implemented stricter regulations for car emissions. (LTA实施了更严格的汽车排放规定。)
6. The LTA has launched a new app to help commuters plan their journeys. (LTA推出了一款新应用程序,帮助乘客规划行程。)
7. The LTA is responsible for issuing driving licenses in Singapore. (LTA负责在新加坡颁发驾照。)
8. The LTA has announced plans to expand the city's metro system. (LTA宣布计划扩大城市地铁系统。)
9. The LTA is working in partnership with other government agencies to improve road safety. (LTA与其他政府机构合作,改善道路安全。)