'ips'不是任何一种国家的语言,它通常是缩写词“Intrusion Prevention System”的简称,即入侵防御系统。它是一种网络安全措施,旨在防止未经授权的访问和攻击,并保护计算机网络免受恶意代码和病毒的侵害。IPS还可以监控和记录网络活动,以便管理员可以识别和及时应对任何异常行为。
1. An IPS can detect and block intrusion attempts in real-time. (入侵防御系统可以实时检测和阻止入侵尝试。)
2. The IPS is critical for securing our network against cyber attacks. (入侵防御系统对于保护我们的网络免受网络攻击至关重要。)
3. The IPS logs all network traffic and alerts the administrator of any suspicious activity. (入侵防御系统记录所有网络流量,并在发现任何可疑活动时向管理员发出警报。)
4. IPS technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years, providing better protection against advanced threats. (入侵防御系统技术在过去几年里迅速发展,提供了更好的保护,以防范高级威胁。)
5. A good IPS should be able to distinguish between legitimate and malicious network traffic. (一个好的入侵防御系统应该能够区分合法和恶意的网络流量。)
6. With an IPS in place, we can reduce the risk of data breaches and protect sensitive information. (有了入侵防御系统的保护,我们可以降低数据泄露的风险,保护敏感信息。)
7. The IPS can be configured to block specific types of traffic, such as peer-to-peer file sharing. (入侵防御系统可以配置为阻止特定类型的流量,如点对点文件共享。)
8. IPS appliances are typically deployed at the network perimeter to provide a first line of defense. (入侵防御系统设备通常部署在网络边缘,提供第一道防线。)
9. An IPS can also analyze and block traffic based on content, such as malware signatures or keywords. (入侵防御系统也可以根据内容分析和阻止流量,如恶意软件签名或关键词。)