1. Teleostei是现代鱼类的一大类,包括了超过一半的已知鱼类。
Teleostei is a major group of modern fish, comprising over half of all known fish species.
2. Teleostei拥有不同的物种,从小到大的尺寸变化很大。
Teleostei has different species with a wide size range from small to large.
3. Teleostei是水生动物中体型最大的一类,包括了很多适应深海环境的物种。
Teleostei is the largest group of aquatic animals including many species that are adapted to deep-sea environments.
4. Teleostei中的很多物种是人类食用的鱼类,如鲑鱼、鳕鱼和鲤鱼。
Many species in Teleostei are consumed by humans, such as salmon, cod, and carp.
5. Teleostei中的某些物种可以用来治疗某些疾病,如鲑鱼产生的omega-3脂肪酸可以预防心脏病。
Some species in Teleostei can be used to treat certain diseases, such as the omega-3 fatty acids produced by salmon can prevent heart disease.
6. Teleostei已经存在了至少2亿年,是地球上最古老的脊椎动物之一。
Teleostei has existed for at least 200 million years, making it one of the oldest vertebrates on Earth.
7. Teleostei中的某些物种是吸血鱼,如深海长尾鳕。
Some species in Teleostei are blood-sucking fish, such as deep-sea fangtooths.
8. Teleostei中某些物种具有很强的自我保护能力,如会释放剧毒的刺豚。
Some species in Teleostei have strong self-protection abilities, such as the pufferfish that can release a potent toxin.
9. Teleostei是对水生生态系统中食物链起着重要作用的一大类物种。
Teleostei is a major group of species that play an important role in food chains in aquatic ecosystems.