1. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848.(《共产党宣言》是卡尔·马克思和弗里德里希·恩格斯于xx年写的。)
2. The feminist manifesto calls for equal rights and opportunities for women.(女性主义宣言呼吁为女性争取平等的权利和机会。)
3. The artist wrote a manifesto outlining his artistic vision and goals.(艺术家写了一份宣言,阐述了他的艺术愿景和目标。)
4. The political party released a manifesto outlining their policies and plans for the country.(政党发布了一份宣言,概述了他们对国家的政策和计划。)
5. The environmental manifesto calls for urgent action to address climate change.(环保宣言呼吁紧急行动来应对气候变化。)
6. The literary manifesto called for a new approach to writing that was both experimental and socially engaged.(文学宣言呼吁采用一种新的写作方式,既具有实验性,又有社会参与性。)
7. The musical manifesto called for a return to traditional musical forms and instruments.(音乐宣言呼吁回归传统的音乐形式和乐器。)
8. The student group issued a manifesto demanding greater freedom of speech on campus.(学生团体发表宣言,要求校园内的言论自由更加广泛。)
9. The futurist manifesto called for a rejection of tradition and a focus on the possibilities of the future.(未来主义宣言呼吁摒弃传统,关注未来的可能性。)