frago是英语中的一个军事术语,指的是“fragmentary order”,即“分段命令”。在军队行动中,指挥官可能需要根据情况变化下达新的命令或调整既有计划,而frago就是这种调整和变化的命令。常见的翻译有“临时命令”、“补充命令”等,用法较为专业。
1. The commander issued a frago to change the objective of the mission.(指挥官下达了一份frago,改变了任务目标。)
2. The frago was sent out to all units by radio.(通过无线电,所有部队都收到了frago。)
3. The frago called for additional supplies to be brought in by helicopter.(frago要求增加物资运输,使用直升机进行空运。)
4. The frago contained new orders for the air support team.(frago包含了针对空中支援团队的新命令。)
5. The frago was issued after a change in the enemy's position was observed.(发现敌人位置发生变化后,下达了一份frago。)
6. The frago directed the unit to set up a temporary base in the area.(frago指示该部队在该地区设立临时基地。)
7. The troops immediately implemented the changes outlined in the frago.(部队立即执行了frago中概述的变化。)
8. The frago ordered the unit to withdraw from its current position.(frago命令该部队从当前位置撤离。)
9. The commander issued a frago to cancel the planned night raid.(指挥官发布了一份frago,取消了原计划的夜间突袭。)