Wisteria是什么意思 Wisteria的读音、翻译、用法

Wisteria是什么意思 Wisteria的读音、翻译、用法



1. The wisteria in my garden looks amazing this year.(我家花园里的紫藤今年看起来很棒。)

2. She loves taking walks in the park to see the wisteria in bloom.(她喜欢在公园里散步,欣赏盛开的紫藤。)

3. The scent of the wisteria is so sweet, it reminds me of my childhood.(紫藤的香味很甜,让我想起了我的童年。)

4. The wisteria climbing the trellis outside my window is so beautiful.(攀爬在我窗外藤架上的紫藤非常漂亮。)

5. I planted wisteria in my backyard, and it has grown so much since last year.(我在后院种植了紫藤,自去年以来生长得非常好。)

6. The wisteria petals fell like snowflakes in the wind.(紫藤花瓣在风中像雪花一样飘落。)

7. She painted a beautiful picture of wisteria in full bloom.(她画了一幅盛开的紫藤的美丽画作。)

8. The wisteria in Japan is famous for its stunning beauty.(日本的紫藤因其惊人的美丽而闻名。)

9. The wisteria vine climbed up the side of the old brick building, giving it new life.(紫藤藤蔓爬上陈旧的砖墙,为建筑带来新的生命。)

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