Nevirapina是什么意思 Nevirapina的读音、翻译、用法

Nevirapina是什么意思 Nevirapina的读音、翻译、用法



1. Nevirapine is effective in reducing the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV during pregnancy and breastfeeding. (奈韦拉平可有效降低在妊娠和哺乳期间母婴传播HIV的风险。)

2. The recommended dose of nevirapine for adults is 200mg twice daily. (成人推荐的奈韦拉平剂量是每天两次200毫克。)

3. Nevirapine is contraindicated in patients with severe liver disease. (严重肝脏疾病患者不适用奈韦拉平。)

4. Side effects of nevirapine include skin rash, fever, and liver toxicity. (奈韦拉平的副作用包括皮疹、发烧和肝毒性。)

5. Combining nevirapine with certain medications can increase the risk of side effects. (将奈韦拉平与某些药物合用会增加副作用的风险。)

6. The use of nevirapine during pregnancy should be supervised by a healthcare professional. (妊娠期使用奈韦拉平应该由医疗专业人员监督。)

7. Nevirapine is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. (奈韦拉平是一种非核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂。)

8. Long-term use of nevirapine can lead to the development of drug-resistant strains of HIV. (长期使用奈韦拉平可能导致HIV产生耐药性。)

9. Nevirapine should be taken with food to increase absorption and reduce the risk of side effects. (应该在饭后服用奈韦拉平,以增加吸收并减少副作用的风险。)

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