这个词语来源于日语,指的是日本第108代天皇,即后水尾天皇的孙子,于xx年出生,于xx年继位,直到xx年退位。常见的翻译有“后水尾天皇”,“Go-Mizunoo Emperor”等。这个词语在日本历史及文学中经常出现。
以下是9个含有“imperador Go-Mizunoo”的例句:
1. 後水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)在位期间发生了日本历史上的一些重要事件。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor reigned during some important events in Japanese history.)
2. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)是日本江户时代初期的重要人物。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor was an important figure in early Edo period Japan.)
3. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)曾出家成为僧人,但后来重新登基为天皇。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor once became a monk, but later returned to the throne as emperor.)
4. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)在位期间进行了一系列的改革。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor implemented a series of reforms during his reign.)
5. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)的统治时期被称为鳞次宫廷的时代。
(The reign of Go-Mizunoo Emperor is known as the Age of Scales and Shells Court.)
6. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)是日本历史上最年轻的天皇之一。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor was one of the youngest emperors in Japanese history.)
7. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)的诗歌作品在日本文学史上占有重要地位。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor's poetry holds an important place in Japanese literature history.)
8. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)退位后,他的长子接替了他的皇位。
(After Go-Mizunoo Emperor abdicated, his eldest son succeeded to the throne.)
9. 后水尾天皇(imperador Go-Mizunoo)的墓地位于京都市南部的一个寺庙里。
(Go-Mizunoo Emperor's tomb is located in a temple in the southern part of Kyoto city.)