Gigaspora是什么意思 Gigaspora的读音、翻译、用法

Gigaspora是什么意思 Gigaspora的读音、翻译、用法



1. In Italia, Gigaspora margarita is commonly found in vineyards. (在意大利,Gigaspora margarita常见于葡萄园中。)

2. Several papers on the colonization of roots by Gigaspora spp. have been published recently. (最近已经发表了好几篇关于Gigaspora spp.根系共生的论文。)

3. The population structure of Gigaspora margarita in different habitats was studied in Spain. (在西班牙研究了不同生境内Gigaspora margarita的种群结构。)

4. Gigaspora fungi have been shown to contribute to the nutrition and growth of forest trees. (Gigaspora真菌已经被证明对森林树木的营养和生长有贡献。)

5. Gigaspora rosea is a mycorrhizal fungus that colonizes the roots of tomato plants. (Gigaspora rosea是一种根霉菌,可寄生于番茄根系。)

6. The effect of Gigaspora margarita on the growth of maize was investigated in Brazil. (在巴西研究了Gigaspora margarita对玉米生长的影响。)

7. Gigaspora gigantea is a large-spored arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. (Gigaspora gigantea是一种孔菌状菌根真菌,具有大的孢子。)

8. A study in Mexico found that Gigaspora margarita can enhance maize growth and nutrient uptake. (在墨西哥的一项研究中发现,Gigaspora margarita可以促进玉米生长和养分吸收。)

9. The distribution and diversity of Gigaspora species in Chinese subtropical forests were investigated. (调查了中国亚热带森林中Gigaspora物种的分布和多样性。)

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