psitacose是什么意思 psitacose的读音、翻译、用法

psitacose是什么意思 psitacose的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'psitacose'是英语单词,意思是鹦鹉热。

2. 介绍:psitacose是一种由鸟类传播的疾病,通常由感染psittacosis杆菌引起。症状包括发热、头痛、咳嗽和肌肉疼痛等。

3. 例句:

1. I contracted psitacose after holding a sick parrot.(我在抱病鹦鹉后患上了鹦鹉热。)

2. The health department advised the pet store to quarantine all birds because of psitacose.(卫生部门建议宠物店隔离所有鸟类,因为鹦鹉热的缘故。)

3. Psitacose can be treated with antibiotics if caught early.(如果早期发现,鹦鹉热可以用抗生素治疗。)

4. My neighbor's macaw died from psitacose.(我的邻居的金刚鹦鹉死于鹦鹉热。)

5. As a bird handler, I always wear gloves to protect myself from psitacose.(作为鸟类处理者,我总是戴手套以保护自己免受鹦鹉热的侵害。)

6. A parrot smuggler was arrested for spreading psitacose across several states.(一名鹦鹉走私犯因在多个州传播鹦鹉热而被逮捕。)

7. The CDC issued a warning about psitacose outbreaks in certain areas.(美国疾病控制和预防中心发出警告,称某些地区爆发了鹦鹉热。)

8. I had to cancel my parrot show due to concerns about psitacose.(我不得不取消我的鹦鹉展览,因为担心鹦鹉热的问题。)

9. The World Health Organization has listed psitacose as a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted to humans.(世界卫生组织将鹦鹉热列为一种可以传播给人类的动物疾病。)

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